Geriatrics differs from adult medicine in many respects. The body of an elderly person is substantially different physiologically from that of an adult. Old age is the period of manifestation of decline of the various organ systems in the body. This varies according to various reserves in the organs, as smokers, for example, consume their respiratory system reserve early and rapidly.
Many people cannot differentiate between Disease and Aging effects, e.g. renal impairment may be a part of aging but renal failure is not. Also, urinary incontinence is not part of normal aging, but it is a disease that may occur at any age and is frequently treatable. Geriatricians aim to treat the disease and to decrease the effects of aging on the body. Years of training and experience is required for it.
The decline in physiological reserve in organs makes the elderly develop diseases (such as dehydration from a mild gastroenteritis) and be liable to complications from mild problems. Fever in elderly persons may cause confusion leading to a fall and to a fracture of the neck of the femur (“breaking her/his hip”). Functional ability, independence and quality of life issues are of greater concern to geriatricians, perhaps, than to adult physicians.
Treating an elderly person is not like treating an adult. A major difference is that elderly persons sometimes cannot make decisions for themselves. The issues of power of attorney, privacy, legal responsibility, advance directives and informed consent must always be considered in geriatric procedure. Elder abuse is also a major concern in this age group. In a sense, geriatricians often have to “treat” the caregivers and sometimes, the family, rather than just the elder.
Elderly people have specific issues as regard medications. Elderly people particularly are subjected to polypharmacy due to many causes. Some elderly people have multiple medical disorders; some use many herbs & OTCs; This polypharmacy may result in many drug interactions and may cause some drug adverse reactions.
Naturopathy is a holistic approach to healthcare based on a belief in the healing power of nature. Naturopaths work closely with you to improve your health by making food and lifestyle changes such as improving your diet and reducing stress. They also sometimes employ alternative therapies, including herbal remedies, acupressure, acupuncture and hands-on techniques such as massage to stimulate your body’s ability to heal itself.
Our body has occult physiology – has awesome attributes of our miraculous self-repairing, self replenishing, self sustaining physique. Nature cure alone acts as an aid to support this natural mechanism of the human body.
Nature Cure treatments are based on the Five great elements of nature that have immense healing properties. There is no role of internal medications or drugs in the nature cure system.